About the California Midwifery Learning Collaborative

The national Medicaid and Midwifery Learning Collaborative (MLC) is an intensive, three-year initiative, led by the Institute for Medicaid Innovation (IMI) and funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Five state-based teams (Arizona, California, Kentucky, Michigan, and Washington), selected from a competitive application process, receive technical assistance and guidance from IMI and a dedicated national advisory committee to develop sustainable initiatives to advance midwifery-led models of care for those enrolled in Medicaid. Each team consists of leaders and innovators representing four key groups: state Medicaid agencies, Medicaid health plans, community-based organizations, and provider groups, including midwives of all credentials. IMI’s learning collaborative offers individualized team support with the goal of leveraging the underutilized midwifery-led model of care to address disparities and improve birth equity.

This website was developed by the California Midwifery Learning Collaborative as part of their participation in the national Medicaid and Midwifery Learning Collaborative, led by IMI with funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The content of this website is solely the creation and ownership of the California Midwifery Learning Collaborative and does not represent IMI or the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Visit www.medicaidinnovation.org for more information on the Institute for Medicaid Innovation’s Midwifery Learning Collaborative.

Financial support for this website and materials within was made possible through the generous support of the California Health Care Foundation, the California Coalition for Reproductive Freedom Mini Grant program and the California Nurse-Midwives Foundation.